Multidimensional Miraculous Woman Illumination

What you get:

  • 1 x 80-minute video activation and masterclass.
  • 1 x supplemental and interactive workbook.
  • 1 x guided visual activation through your higher consciousness .
  • 1 x access to private Facebook group for ongoing support and sisterhood.

(Refunds are not available for this product due to its digital and instant-use nature.)

What People Are Saying:

Dhanu is a gifted lightworker with a loving and healing energy. During our coaching sessions I felt completely safe to be vulnerable. Her light and wealth consciousness activations are extremely potent and she will fiercely guide you anywhere you need to go in life and business. Dhanu is a great shaman and multidimensional psychotherapist, channeling in light from the Divine Source.

Tari Johnson, Shaman (USA)

Feeling amazing, refreshed, and heart wide open following my coaching sessions with Dhanu. Loving the multidimensional psychotherapy coaching work and Dhanu’s authenticity. I can't recommend her highly enough. Dhanu is fearlessly leading the charge in empowering and supporting women to rise into higher wealth consciousness, light and freedom!"

Caroline Wickham, Power Yoga (Guernsey)

Wealth to me was getting my energy back, which was affecting my financial wealth. I went to see Dhanu because I had been feeling drained, energetically heavy, not sleeping, just not myself. Dhanu helped me to shift an old identity; I journeyed to a familiar past life as an American Indian. We called in my spirit guides at the start of my session so I wonder if they took me back, so I could release trauma imprints from a past life that was still negatively affecting me today.

Sally Le Noury, Space Healer (UK)


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